Tradition of old Dhaka TomTom
Friday, June 18, 2010 by mishu

As we know that Old dhaka is very traditional place. Thats why i like that place very much. Though the place was very crowded, i like it. Because of their culture as well as transportation. We can see TomTom gari on the streets of old dhaka. Its a tradition of old dhaka. Actually this TomTom gari is run by the help of two horses. This why TomTom gari is very speccial for any places.In old dhaka this TomTom gari is run as a transportation. I never ride on this. But I hope i will ride on it.people of different places can ride on it by pay.I often see Tomtom gari when i go to old dhaka. I also see it on the streets of dhaka university.
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